Women’s Ministry

Gather & Grace

The women’s ministry at Romaine Park Christian Centre is called Gather & Grace. Its purpose is to bring together the women of the church, to provide a variety of opportunities to meet & fellowship together, and to create a community where we can support and care for one another. Over the year, we calendar in a variety of events including such things as lunches out, Coffee @ Romaine, social gatherings, shopping mornings, dinners together, bushwalking, and the like. During these times together the women get to know one another on a deeper level, they share and listen to each other’s journeys and are able to support each other in practical and prayerful ways. The events are always listed on our closed Facebook page which we invite all ladies in the church to join!



This group provides “TIME OUT” for Ladies to chat and enjoy a Cuppa and Morning Tea together, and we finish off the morning with a “Thought for the Day”.

9.30-10.45am in Essence Cafe – fortnightly

Contact the Church office to find out when the next one is happening. (64330519)